
 Hello Friends! 

    Before we begin recounting October, look at this beautiful butterfly God made! It is naturally shimmering blue and orange! Is God not the best artist and scientist of all time?! 

    Okay, now that that rejoicing has been given its space we can venture on. I have gotten to talk to some of you that are on my support team recently and wanted to share the good news I got to hear: We have teachers who love God's children and provide a healthy and encouraging learning environment so those children can grow up into curious adults who love to learn! We have doctors who praise God for the super cool bodies He designed and they daily seek to help others heal and take care of their bodies! We have artists who know that God is the best creator and they share this good news with people through their art! I could go on and on about the ways that God equips His people to share His Spirit to the world- each in their own unique ways- lawyers, accountants, missionaries, dental hygienists, college students... the list never ends! Each of you have been given talents and jobs and communities and I have been so privileged to see how you use these gifts to honor God and His people. And that is exactly how I want to start out my blog, saying thank you!

Now, let me tell you about my little corner of ministry!

    At the very beginning of October we got to host a 24 hour retreat for our students that we call Fall Camp (Below you can see a photo of my core at camp). As a freshman and a new student, this was the first event that helped me feel settled into the FOCUS family, and now, as an apprentice and new staff person, I am still finding this effect to be true. There is something special about retreating to a different space and having uninterrupted fellowship with others! This time around, I not only experienced this joy of community for myself, I got to welcome others into the family! A student that comes to mind when reflecting on this would be Nhi, an international student from Vietnam who came to the U.S. in her last year of high school. I met her on campus about a week before Fall Camp and within an hour she was signed up for every event FOCUS had to offer. halfway through Fall Camp, Nhi and I went for a walk and chatted about our experiences so far. This is what she had to say, "I am not a Christian. I am not religious at all really. But you guys are so nice! I want to know Jesus, I want to learn about him, he must be nice."


    For someone who knew nothing about Jesus or his teachings, Nhi's first experience of his people was one of love and care. This is the reason we do events like Fall Camp and really, it is why we do campus ministry at all. That others would begin to see the character of Christ. Be it through a conversation, a sermon, a song, or a good laugh- we want others to know Jesus!  

      In other news, we have an amazing group of girls in Collin FOCUS! This photo was taken during one of our TNFs at which we had a Fall Festival. We painted pumpkins, played games, ate dinner, and listened to worship music from all over the world. Needless to say, it was really sweet and fun. This event was unique in that students who are less prone to come to a normal TNF are far more willing to try out a festival. Because of this we had a lot of first time visitors who really enjoyed themselves and got more connected with the community. Praise God for being the author of fun and friendship! 

    Overall, it has been a spiritually challenging and exciting time! I ask that you continue to pray for our students, that they would embrace community and see Jesus clearly! And I ask that you specifically pray for Nhi, she and I are going to start FOJ and I am really hoping she ends up loving Jesus as much as I do by the end of it (if not more!). Thank you for your support and your time and your friendship. You are the only reason I get to serve these students daily and I am continuously grateful for you! 

    With much love and affection, Katherine


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