February & March

 Hello Friends!

    I hope you are all doing well and that God's pleasure is felt in you like the sunshine that soaks into your skin (to be poetic haha). Praise God for the different weathers he has let us Texans experience lately- the snow, hail, lighting and thunder, tornados, rain and brilliant sunshine- they all show God's majesty, His care for us and the Earth, His diversity! God is so cool!

    These past few weeks of ministry have been so encouraging and I am so excited to share them with you guys. Thank you for your prayers and support, none of this would be possible with you!

One of the girls in my core planned a fun trip for us to the zoo and it was so fun! It was really encouraging to see all the girls spend time together outside of our weekly core group and act like friends. It is easy to come to small group once a week and never actually become friends with those people so the fact that they consider each other their "weekend friends" is a gift.

Please be praying that the students in our ministry become agents of Christ-centered community. The hope is that we would look like Jesus, really committing ourselves, in heart and time, to the communities around us; forming deep friendships, caring for the needs of those around us, being vulnerable and generous. Pray that we would all mature in this part of our lives!

    Community seems to be a big need in a lot of college student's lives. One of the girls I meet up with regularly shared that FOCUS was the first place that she had ever made real friends and she didn't know how to apply that to the rest of her life. Pray for he! That she might grow into a friend who feels equipped to care for others well in her home, workplace, and classes. In the very same hang out (we were walking around Lowes for fun) she saw this doormat (pictured on the right) and immediately said "that is basically the slogan of FOCUS!" Praise God that she found a welcoming community where she can experience true friendship!
    All the Collin women leaders went bowling together and while we were not very skilled- like, really not skilled haha- we had a blast! It is really special to be apart of their lives as they learn to deepen their relationship with God and care for the women in their classes and cores. Pray over these girls, that they would be brave leaders who walk along side their peers with the Spirit of Christ inside of them.

Please continue to pray for my core, that Aless and I would have the wisdom to lead them, that each girl would listen to the Lord's voice and that we would be a community that pleases God.

Thank you for your time and your love! I am praying for each of you to be encouraged in your own lives and ministries. If any of you ever want specific prayers or just to spend some time catching up, feel free to reach out. I would be so happy to hear about your lives and be praying for your needs. 

With my love and joy, Katherine Daggett


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